Soonice GmbH

Dr. Petter Straße 22A
5020 Salzburg

T: +436765130749

Commercial register number: FN452613h
Commercial register: LG Salzburg
Public Authority according to ECG: Magistrat Salzburg
VAT number: ATU71028112

Link disclaimer

Vision1 has made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this website is accurate. However, Vision1 makes no warranty, either expressed or implied as to its preciseness, correctness and completeness.
Vision1 is not responsible for the content of external websites linked to its site by hyperlink. Vision1 reserves the rights to change and adapt the current content without prior notice.

The Personal Data Controller

The Data Controller of personal data deriving from access and use of the site is the Vision1 GmbH, located in Austria – 5020 Salzburg. The data protection commissioner is Mr. Christian Polt.
For detailed information on the management modalities of the site regarding the processing of the personal data of the users, please go to the “privacy policy” document.

Copyright – Conditions for use of the material published

The content and graphic of the Vision1 website is protected by copyright.
Written permission must be gained in advance from Vision1 before reproducing any of the website content. This applies particularly to texts, text extracts and all graphic material.